pirmdiena, 2011. gada 14. februāris

vai skola nogalina mūsu kreativitāti??

Man liekas šo tēmu ļoti labi izsaka šis komentārs:
I'm a 14 year old girl in England. In my school we get 4 hours of maths a week, and only half an hour of art. The only thing I've ever felt I could do well (besides Latin) is art. My imagination is what I value most and it's what I'm proud of. I've always been a bit of an outsider and I have never agreed with any teachers but my creative writing and art. They totally support ken. I work best when I'm left to do my own thing. I do feel like I'm undervalued. They try to squash creativity out of us

godīgi saku,ka tā esmu jutusies vienmēr un arvien vairāk man ir grūti pievērsties šai-
akadēmiskajai izglītībai.

bet lūk, mūsdienās bez tās... jā.

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