piektdiena, 2011. gada 10. jūnijs


Šķiet pāris gadsimti pagājuši kopš pēdējoreiz šeit iemetu kādu vārdu, tad nu pazemīgi un nedaudz kautrīgi māju savu roku atkalredzēšanās sveicienā: "Sveiki!"
laika nav, veči!
te būs no visa pa bišķiņam

Lai kā būtu vai nebūtu, cilvēki ir muļķīgi kā ieplīsis gumijnieks.
viņi turēsies pat pie sapuvuša kartupeļa, ja tas būs viņu mīļākais kartupelis..

neļauj sev spert soli uz priekšu, neļauj to apkārtējiem, un beigu beigās tas rada tikpat lielas sāpes it kā kāds iekšā lēni mirtu.

Pliks spīts atstāj emocionālas asiņu peļķes uz ceļiem un sirdī! BEIDZIET!

upi neapstādināsiet

Es biju zvejnieka dēls , tu meitene tirgū, kluss gaidītājs.

Gribētos iekāpt laivā, lai to uz priekšu dzen piesietas nāru bizes.

Lai atlido putns ar milzīgiem spārniem, klauvējot ar knābi gar loga rūti un aizvestu mani... uz tā spārniem dusēt.

Lai runājošu vilku bari mani ieskauj, lai uz to mugurām pasauli varētu glābt .

Lai loks ar bultām vienmēr uz pleca, kā Robins Huds, es naktīs šautu par taisnību un lustētu ar mūku.

Ar saindētiem āboliem mest pa piparkūku namiņu.

Būt par vienu no mustangiem un pretoties cilvēkam.

/kkad bij uznācis mans slimais, sapņainais romantisms :D/
un bik par smadzenēm :D
cilvēks ir viena ellīgi interesanta būtne, bet lai kādas būtu mūsu funkcijas un talanti, mēs to visu spējam kontrolēt. Jautājums, kurai smadzeņu pusei pakļauties un kā ieturēt līdzsvaru mūsu, tik ļoti racionālajā un "pareizajā" pasaulē..

Kā man patīk šī bilde ar labo un kreiso smadzeņu puslodi.
Praktiski izsaka visu.


uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies


uses feeling
"big picture" oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking

The War of the Brains

The two brains not only see the world in vastly different ways but, in our current society, the left side just "doesn't get" what the right side is all about. It tends to dismiss anything significant coming into consciousness from its "flaky" cranial twin. Sometimes two sides can actually disagree, resulting in our perception of emotional turmoil from the expressive protests of right brain.

Our conscious mind can only focus on data from one brain at a time. We can switch from one side to the other very quickly (with our corpus collosum intact) but that's not always the most efficient way to act and eventually ultimate authority to enter consciousness is delegated to one brain or the other. In our modern world, this battle is almost always won by the left brain.

It appears that most people will never reach their maximum potential because of compromises that have been made between these two governing bodies. Sometimes skills which the right brain can perform better are routinely handled, with less skill, by the left brain. Ideally, both brains work together in people with optimum mental ability. This coordinating ability may be the key to superior intellectual abilities. In most people, however, the left brain takes control, choosing logic, reasoning and details over imagination, holistic thinking and artistic talent.

Methods have been devised to "shut off" the left brain, allowing the right side to have its say. Creative writing courses often use this method to combat "writer's block." The logical left side is easily bored by lack of input and tends to "doze off" during such activities as meditation (repeating a mantra or word over and over) or in sensory deprivation environments. The right brain is then able to "sneak" into our consciousness, filling our minds with emotional and visual vignettes and freely associated images. All too quickly, though, the left brain will assert itself and dispense with these irrational images, asserting its Spock-like logical dominance and the right brain will have to be content to find expression in dreams.

p.s piedodiet, ka angliski...

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